Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1st post o quotes

Deadpool: This is Deadpool.

Phone: The mercenary?

Deadpool: I prefer "Well-Compensated Establishment Provocateur."

Phone: Ah, yes. Have you ever heard of the One World Church?

Deadpool: Nope

Phone: It's in France.

Deadpool: I'll pass.

Phone: It pays a lot.

Deadpool: Good sir, you can't pay me enough to go to France while our countries are at war!

Phone: Uhm, we're not at war.

Deadpool: We're not?

Phone: No.

Deadpool: Oh....

Deadpool: So... How much money?

Deadpool: ...

Deadpool: Well, that sure is a lot...
Deadpool: You smug little....wait speaking of video games, you ever play Street Fighter?

Kitty: As if...

*Deadpool gives her a dragon punch*

Deadpool: SHORYUKEN!
Weird One World Church guy: "SUNIC is a worldwide pharmaceutical giant. Members of me MINISTRY OF INSINUATION --"

DP: "They suggest nasty things about people?"

One World: " they INSINUATE themselves into the workings of divided worlds.."
when DP was trying to solve the murder in Cable and DP 12? He didn't have any clues, so it must have been those dastardly muslims! It's so wrong yet so right at the same time...

dp thought bubble(This was one of the three buildings on the island used as Mosques.)

dp thought bubble(That's pretty suspicious right?)

dp thought bubble(I mean, why let statistics, truth and reality could my judgement? I'm not gonna be some pansy liberal.)


"What?" says a guy in the mosque.

dp:"Don't all you guys have guns and rocketpropelled grenades?"

"That is disgusting! I don't care if I die right now, but you are a pig and an idiot!"
"SIRYN!...and Cannonballs!" -- DP

"That's Cannonball you twit!-- Sam

"Really? You sure? 'cause I kinda had a healthy does of respect for you before..."
"Well, whatever you're like junior X-men, right? Mutants born with special gifts who fight to save the very world that fears them--Well SO AM I!" -- DP

"You're not a mutant Wilson!" -- Sam slams DP into a wall..
"And you're not an X-men" - Sam

"Well, SAMUEL, just cause you got rocket-power farting powers. I'm not gonna split hairs and i'm not gonna fight my teammates. I mean. Unless it involves terry's clothes coming off and mud or chocolate pudding or soemthing like that.." -- DP
Haha Baby Cable thinking DP is his dad.


"Yeah, kid. Deadpoo"


"Who can keep track? I'm like an NBA player that way..."

"Hey...anyone else here smell poop or is my axe effect failing me?"

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